Reseña de Javier de Vera, para el público británico en WordPress
It is not necessary to kneel down to confess oneself addicted to the words of Fran Ignacio Mendoza, author of the rolling texts of the marvelous book “Lo que no confesé a Nikola Tesla”, a suicidal integral nude conscious of the impossible encounter full of lost certainties, imagined passions, events that have happened. And the fact is that each word is followed by an unconscious increase of impulses, hunches of its author, exposed with marvelous clarity and warmth in the precise instant, in the now of full sanity, a clever pure act accompanied by visions that flow from the wetlands of the soul.
Our beloved author resists in “Lo que no confesé a Nikola Tesla” to the destruction of the remembered imaginary that dwells in the swamps embraced by dreams and engendered by the science that rightly intertwines each written word, postponing the impossible obsolescence of the same.
And then emerges the true self that is able to contain the onslaught of the recurring life cycle. And the illumination leaves behind the guilt to restart now the open future. Because truth is undoubtedly a form of conscious act that puts us in front of the mirror and speaks to us in silence about the greatness of what is truly human.
Javier de Vera
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